Technical Overview


The Most Advanced Commercial Satellite System Ever Built For Alaska


Two geostationary high-throughput communications satellites providing the first commercially available, enterprise grade, high-speed data service statewide in Alaska.

Aurora Satellite System

Exclusively provides customers with very high-speed, low latency and highly secure communications between locations anywhere in Alaska or Alaska’s Arctic.


Communications can be completely independent of existing terrestrial networks.

Fiber-Like Connectivity

Replaces The Need For Expensive Fiber Deployment

  1. Low Latency
  2. Highly Secure
  3. Available Everywhere
  4. Simple Deployment Now

Government Solutions

Instant Infrastructure from Anywhere to Everywhere

Secure, High-Throughput, Resilient Network for Federal Systems

The US Government is increasingly looking to the commercial satellite sector and in particular next-generation satellite constellations to provide the innovative and resilient communications infrastructure they need. DoD and Government services require key features when it comes to communications networks. Critical monitoring operations require bandwidth intensive applications, near real time command and control and advanced sensor capabilities. Our Aurora LEO satellites have lower latencies and are coupled with Aurora GEO satellites with higher data rates. Security and resilience are also key features. With the Astranis SDR (Software Defined Radio) Aurora GEO can provide a “touchless architecture” – taking traffic in its native form and carrying it from any point in Alaska to any other point in Alaska without touching the earth’s surface in between and therefore completely isolated from any terrestrial infrastructure – providing an enormous security advantage. Our hybrid architecture means an unparalleled ultra-secure, resilient communications network.

Arctic Connectivity

Aurora LEO/GEO is Ready to Connect the Arctic 

In a world with increasing requirements for Arctic communications, the Aurora Satellite System is enabling resilient solutions. Our high-thoroughput GEO satellites bring two redundant and diverse systems together to provide seamless coverage up to 82° N. Above 82°N we offer Aurora LEO service across the pole. We have combined the speed of fiber-like performance with very high capacity link availability to create the highest performance commercial system available today for Alaska and the Arctic.

Coverage For Alaska’s Arctic

Data connectivity to and from the arctic used to be challenging and expensive. In particular, for data-intensive activities such as research and monitoring, high speed capacity links are required. By combining Aurora GEO with Aurora LEO in polar orbit, Pacific Dataport’s Aurora

Satellite System is in the best possible orbital location to serve the arctic. Alaska’s arctic region can now benefit from increased bandwidth for a range of broadband services and connect to any location anywhere in the world with extremely low latency and very high capacity links.

Aurora LEO

Transforming Alaskan Communications

Revolutionary Satellite Communications Network: 

OneWeb is a resilient, secure Low Earth Orbit (LEO) network delivering high-speed, low-latency, and high-throughput connectivity to anywhere in Alaska.

Fiber-Like Performance

  • <100ms latency from User Terminal (UT) to Internet Point of Presence
  • Download speeds up to 150 Mbps
  • Always connected, resilient, and secure

Easy Deployment

  • Quick deployment
  • Simple rooftop, pole or NPRM hardware installation
  • No environmental impact


Statewide Coverage

  • Bridging the digital divide to rural Alaska
  • Broadband connectivity where you want it

Innovative Technology

  • LEO (Low Earth Orbit) platform
  • Gateway Located in Talkeetna, Alaska

Connectivity Designed for Alaska

OneWeb’s connectivity products are designed especially for Alaska.


Coverage across all of Alaska supports the digital transformation of every type of enterprise, community, school and civil and emergency responders, giving high-speed access to digital information, productivity tools and cloud services.

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